Thursday, March 1, 2012

Training Outbound, Mindset dan Mental spiritual Power, OUTBOUND MANAGEMENT TRAINING

Outbond Management Training merupakan salah satu metode pelatihan sistematis yang langsung diimplementasikan keseluruh SDM di alam bebas.
Pelatihan ini mendasarkan pada teknik modifikasi: Pikiran (Cognition), Perasaan (affection) dan Perilaku (behavior) dengan berbasis pada ethic, love dan Spirituality. Komponen tersebut dikemas dalam pilihan training singkat maupun berjenjang.

Inbound dilakukan di kelas dengan pembentukan dan penyelarasan MINDSET berbasis visi/misi perusahaan dengan visi/ misi individu. Metode yang digunakan adalah in class Training dengan tema yang disesuaikan dengan kepentingan pengguna jasa.

Outbound Training dilakukan di alam bebas melalui management games. Para fasilitator yang kompeten di bidang Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), n-Ach Motivation, Mindset, mental & spiritual power dan menguasai teknik SAR akan menghantar partisipan ke dalam situasi Experience Learning yang fun, memorable dan aplikatif dalam kehidupan pribadi dan organisasi

Metode Pelatihan:
Menggunakan metode andragogi, partisipatif dan psychodrama melalui pembelajaran di alam bebas. Partisipan diajak secara langsung mengeksplorasi diri (self-exploration) bersama team (live-in Team) melalui diskusi-aksi-refleksi, perencanaan & perbaikan implementasi serta komitmen.

Bentuk Pelatihan:
Membangun Grup (Team Building): setiap partisipan dituntut mengenal seluruh komponen yang terlibat, memecahkan kekakuan birokrasi, kebekuan komunikasi dan pengetahuan tentang kekuatan & kelemahan serta kesatuan individu dan memiliki sikap saling membutuhkan.

Kerjasama Kelompok (Team Work & Soliditas Building): Penekanan pada peningkatan kemampuan kinerja tim yang didasari oleh komitmen pribadi anggota tim terhadapi elemen-elemen dasar efektifitas dan efisiensi kerja tim. Reaksi alami dalam berbagi peranan, pengorbanan, saling menghargai, komunitas terbuka terhadap komitmen dan saling menyemangati akan terbangun suatu ikatan kebersaman untuk membangkitkan antusiame, le esprite de corp,

Kepemimpinan dan Pendelegasian (Leadership Building): Partisipan mengeksplorasi karakter-karakter seorang pemimpin seperti halnya komitmen, visi, kemampuan mendegar secara aktif dan suri tauladan. Partisipan mengalami karakter-karakter ini secara nyata untuk dapat memadukan kompetensi individual dan memberdayakan sehingga memberikan kontribusi untuk pencapaian suatu tujuan.

Pengembangan Diri (Personal Building): Setiap partisipan dituntut memiliki komitmen pertumbuhan dan optimalisasi perkembangan diri melalui pemahaman cintakasih, etika dan spiritualitas dalam kebhinnekaan. Bertumbuh bersama dalam proses bersama orang lain.

Strategi Perencanaan (Strategic Building): Setiap partisipan diajak untuk mencoba, berlatih dan menyusun perencanaan misi berdasarkan setiap visi yang ditentukan oleh individu maupun organisasi.

Pembangkitan Kekuatan Mental dan Spiritual (Mental & Spiritual Power Awakening). Penggunaan Neuro Languistic Programming dan harmonisasi body & Mind akan membawa partisipan mengalami pengalaman dahsyat mengenai kekuatan diri, penajaman intuisi

Outbond Management Training, one of the direct systematic training methods implemented to human resources in the wild. This training based in the modification technique: thoughts /Cognition, Affection and Behavior in a based manner in ethic, love and Spirituality. These component are packed in the short training or by step . and supported: Inbound in the class with the formation and adjust of MINDSET was based on the point of view/the company's mission with individual’s. The method that used in class Training with matched theme with the interests of the user

Outbound Training is done in the wild through management games. The facilitators have competencies in the Neuro Linguistic Programming field (NLP), n-Ach Motivation, Mindset, Mind-mental& spiritual power and controlled the SAR technique will accompany participants in the Experience Learning situation in fun, memorable and applicable as privacy and organization

Training Methode

used the method andragogy is the process of engaging adult learners in the structure of the learning experience, participatory and psychodrama through teaching-learning in the wild. Participants will asked directly to explore themselves (self-exploration) with the team (live-in the team) through discussions-action-reflection, planning & the improvement of the implementation as well as their commit

Form of the Training:

Team Building:
each participant is demanded know all the components that involved, to solve the bureaucracy stiffness, the freezing of communication and comprehend concerning the strength & the weakness as well as unity of the individual and had the attitude needed each other.

Team Work & Solidity Building:
This frame Emphasis of the increasing capacity team achievement that is provided by the personal commitment of the team's member which kept from elements of effectiveness and work efficiency. The natural reaction in sharing base on play the role, the sacrifice, appreciated each other, the community was open towards the commitment and inspired each other will create an solid association to raise Enthusiastic, le esprite de Corp,

Leadership Building:
participants explored the character of a leader like the commitment, the point of view, sharing actively and the models. Participants experienced these characters obviously to be able combine individual competence and empower him to give the contribution for the achievement of an aim

Personally Building:
Each participant it is demanded had the growth commitment and the optimization of the development himself through the understanding of the love, ethics and spirituality in the diversity. Grew together in the process with the others

Strategic Building:
Each participant is guided to try, practical and compile mission planning based on each point of view that was determined by the individual and the organization

Mind, Mental & Spiritual Power Awakening.

Use The Neuro Linguistic Programming will bring the participants to having amazing experience concerning their un digging inner energy power, sharpening intuition & self

Source: Nawayaksa

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